Sunday, July 19, 2009

These are pictures from the first official day of RAGBRAI. We left Council Bluffs about 9:00am. We rode through Mineola, Henderson, and Emerson. We then traveled on to Red Oak. The total distance was about 52 miles and the elevation was about 5,000 feet.

We had popsicles, toll house cookie pie, sweet corn, smoothies, lemonade, pork chop. AND rode! There were over 15,000 riding. I sat in Emerson for about 5 hours waiting for the Denice, Chris, and her mom. I watched many wonderful, interesting people along the way.

Tomorrow is a long day. It's about 77 miles. Please continue to pray for us all!


1 comment:

  1. hey! we hope you saw many cool sites on your ride today! We were just checking in on you while we were "taking a break" you know the mice will play when the cat is away... ;)
    Love, Val, Tiff, & Sheila
